Business Zone
A separate Business Zone will operate during the exhibition to ensure the productivity of negotiations.
Advantages of working in the Business Zone for the exhibitors:
- The opportunity to conduct individual negotiations in the most favorable conditions,
- Preparation for the negotiations before the trade show due to the possibility of online appointment of a meeting with a potential counterpart through a special request form on the site
- Saving the company’s budget for the promotion of its products, finding counterparties,
- Ability to cunduct a large number of personal meetings and negotiations with buyers within 2 days
For convenience of buyers’ and exhibitors’ work, the Business Zone is further divided into thematic sectors:
- Buyers from the CIS countries, the Middle and Far East, countries of northern Africa, the European Union – more than 30 foreign delegations of 4-5 people each,
- Ukrainian large and small retail and distribution,
- Representatives of the hotel and restaurant business (HoReCa),
- Buyers of niche and organic products,
- A zone for negotiations for exhibitors with a stand without an appointment (first come, first served).
A foreign buyer may book a workplace in the Business Zone for a specified time before the exhibition starts, through the Organizing Committee.
For admission to the Business Zone on November 23-24 it is necessary to have:
- For a representative of the exhibitor with a stand – a badge “Exhibitor”
- For participants of the Congress of food exporters “Ukrainian Food 2017”- a badge of the participant of the congress,
- For participants of paid Organizer’s conferences* – a badge of the participant,
- For Ukrainian purchasers of the sectors “Retail and Distribution”, “HoReCa” “Niche and Organic Products” – a badge “Business Visitor”
- For foreign buyers of the sectors “Foreign buyers”, “Niche and organic products” – a badge “Business Visitor”
*The program of the trade show can be found here Program
To apply for a “Business Visitor” badge, a buyer needs to pass a special registration, namely: fill in one questionnaire corresponding to your activity:
- Sector “Foreign Buyers”
- Sector “Ukrainian retail and distribution”
- Sector “HoReCa”
- Sector “Niche and organic products”
For additional information on buyers’ registration, booking a workplace for foreign buyers, please contact the Organizing Committee: +38 067 332 54 75, +38 067 505 96 58 or e-mail [email protected]
Countries that confirmed participation in the business zone
Europe and North America
- Великобританія / Great Britain / Великобритания
- Данія / Denmark / Дания
- Естонія / Estonia / Эстония
- Канада / Canada
- Латвія / Latvia /Латвия
- Німеччина / Germany / Германия
- Польща / Poland / Польша
- Франція / France / Франция
- Чехія / Chech Republic / Чихия
CIS countries
- Азербайджан / Azerbaijan
- Білорусь / Belarus / Буларусь
- Вірменія / Armenia / Армения
- Грузія / Georgia / Грузия
- Казахстан / Kazakhstan
- Молдова / Moldova
- Таджикистан / Tajikistan
- Узбекистан / Uzbekistan
- В’єтнам / Vietnam / Вьетнам
- Індія / India / Индия
- Індонезія / Indonesia / Индонезия
- Іран / Iran / Иран
- Ірак / Iraq / Ирак
- Китай / China
- Кувейт / Kuwait
- Саудівська Аравія / Saudi Arabia / Саудовская Аравия
- Сінгапур / Singapore / Сингапур
- Пакистан / Pakistan
- Південна Корея / South Korea / Южная Корея
- Японія / Japan / Япония
- Алжир / Algeria
- Ангола / Angola
- Гана / Ghana
- Єгипет / Egypt / Египет
- Південна Африка / South Africa / Южная Африка
- Сенегал / Senegal
- Судан / Sudan
- Туніс / Tunisia / Тунис
The list will be updated